Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I never thought I'd turn into one of those people who uses trite phrases like, "I don't know where the time goes," but here I am firmly residing in that world.

Happy 3 Week Birthday!

What I do know is that the kittens that entered my world 3+ weeks ago are growing. There are six of them and they're officially on the move. We are going to have to come up with a way to keep them corralled so they don't wander off and get lost or meet a fate worse than being lost. I also want to contact one of the local shelters to see if they would take them in to adopt out to suitable people. 

I know you are but what am I?
With tax season completely in my rear view mirror for the year I hope to find some more time to dye. I have a few ideas kicking around in my head. I did manage to find a couple of hours to experiment last week and came up with this beauty. After a long grey winter I needed a pick me up and this fits the bill. I call it "I know you are but what am I?"

My first pooled scarf attempt ~ I love it!
For my birthday this year my husband got me a 15" Cricket Loom...he was nudged. :) So in addition to knitting I am trying my hand at weaving. My first attempt at weaving was with the yarn that was packaged with the loom. While the yarn was just fine my weaving was not. The sample, test run, whatever you want to call it is currently residing in one of the cat beds as a chew toy. I learned a lot from it but hope it never sees the light of day. I think weaving is going to be a great way to use some of my stash yarn. Expect to see some weaving projects from me this spring and summer.